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 are life I'll wisdom have spent the last few days watching YouTube videos about people who waif 3d and 400 even 800 pounds it's no secret that america is getting fatter estimated that 64 percent Americans are overweight with about half of those being clinically obese even childhood obesity is skyrocketing and now one in three children is overweight so clearly most of us are struggling

with weight gain and we're struggling against the food industry that seems dedicated to selling us no more crappy foods so recently we did a video recommending that people eat more like our grandparents 8 when they were our age and in this video I wanna tell you how up a quick look at OB City rates in this country might help explain why we would recommend that we eat more like our grandparents prior to the nineteen fifties less than 10 percent of Americans were obese and that rate increased steadily until the nineteen eighties when we saw a pretty steep increase in obesity at this point the obesity rate is three times higher than it was just fifty years ago so what's so different about the way

that Grandma eight when she was our age and the way we're eating now let's take a look grandma 8 real food that was prepared in the kitchen but most modern processed foods are actually created in a laboratory by scientists a quick look at the back up a food label will tell you whether that food is made of food or is made have chemicals things like monosodium glutamate high fructose corn syrup polydimethylsiloxane main brominated vegetable oil etat be HQ most to these chemicals didn't even exist when your grandma was your age now this rules out all the fast food the processed food junk foods just add water instant meals or microwave meals but it doesn't necessarily rule out

bread pasta hamburgers pizza french fries are any of the foods that you really want to eat you just have to make sure that they're actually made over real foods and were prepared in a kitchen rather than any laboratory by scientists up grandmas food mostly came from her own backyard or maybe her neighbor's backyard but most modern food travel anywhere from 1300 to 5,000 miles from the farm to your cable grandma may have every once in a while got to enjoy some food that someone brought to her or maybe the milkman had to travel thirty or forty miles to make us delivery but most modern foods are traveling significantly larger distances and most people aren't eating foods that were grown locally and 1870 100 percent in the Apple's consumed in Iowa were grown in Iowa but in 1999 only 15 percent about Apple's consume work in Iowa were actually grown in Iowa the nutritional content other food decreases over time and it decreases significantly when
finance travel a significantly long-distance in many cases chemicals are even used to
preserve the finance civil engineers use the term food miles to describe how this mass transportation
of food affects the environment and our energy
usage your best bet is to try as much as you
can take eat locally grown foods and
depending on where you live this can be somewhat difficult the website Local Harvest dot or well actually let you search for farmers market by net ko at other option would be growing your

own food or even starting shared community
gardens in your city great must food came out upper oven or maybe she aidid right out of the dirt but most modern processed foods come out and drive-through windows cardboard boxes plastic wrap were even elektronik snack
dispensing robots up close to 100 percent up the food but
grandma eight when she was your age she actually
had to cook and prepare herself maybe she was lucky enough to have someone else do the cooking but the point is that if most of the
food you're eating is coming out of a microwave or a plastic container and you're not feeling particularly
vibrant healthy then that could be your problem and if
your mouth is gaping open at the thought of having to
actually cook then you need to snap out of it millions
of people are doing it right now and most to them artist back
as we are and millions of people have survived
exclusively on cooking their own food before us so just to suck it up great Obama wasn't exposed to hundreds a
food advertisements day after day but we endure temptation
after temptation every time we turn on the TV walk down the street were even go out to
a ball game next time you're watching TV how how
many commercials you see for junk foods or restaurants and pay attention to what kinda food
fair featuring in those advertisements chances are most to those who didn't even exist when your grandma was your age once I started becoming aware of how
relentless their marketing once and how much they
assumed that I would just be a good little overeating consumer it
became a lot easier for me to recognize those
temptations and consciously divert my attention
grandma only eight when she was hungry or when
she could afford food depending on her situation but in 2000
mere cans were eating an average of 500 calories more then they were eating in the 1960s and that fact alone can explain the obesity epidemic but liar we eating so much more food of course there are a lot of different
factors like the temptations I mentioned earlier but we should also remember that junket
processed foods our full love empty calories and that
means these are calories that turns straight into fat but they're not gonna fill you up
they're not gonna leave you satisfied and you're going to be hungry again pretty shortly after eating up until only a few decades ago food was grown and supplied by people hundreds of thousands of them but most
modern pooter actually manufactured by machines or grown on factory farms by small numbers of people since 1979 over 300,000 farmers have gone out of
business in nineteen eighty it was estimated that
eighty percent a the meat consumed in America was being
produced by only four companies and it's also been estimated that up to
ninety percent of the foods found in grocery stores are produced by only 10
companies in the sixties and seventies Secretary
of Agriculture earl butts orchestrated significant
changes and federal farming subsidies and food
manufacturing policy is all in an effort to boost US production and income the system ended up fueling large agribusiness producers at the expense of
small farmers but was also a supporter of chemical
pesticides and chemical fertilizers perhaps it's presumptuous to link the
significant changes in food production policies with the skyrocketing obesity rates only
a decade later but I'm going to do it anyway your best
bet is to offer local or organic foods as much as possible grandma got a workout preparing her feared whether
she was milking cows churning butter or working in the garden all day she was
burning a whole lot more calories than we do walking to and from the car or handing
our credit card to the cashier the farther back in time you go the more physical labor was required just for everyday survival dishwashers microwaves and other modern conveniences are convenient but the lack of physical
exercise is certainly taking its toll whether you take up gardening or just
try to cook more meals at home there's an added bonus that you're going
to be burning some calories in the process cooking at home can even be a fun family
activity to where you get the kids involved in
helping you cook and even helping you clean bring my ate her food had cable I'm being pretty
presumptuous here cuz I don't really know where your grandma eat her food but I do know that she didn't eat in a
car or while sitting on a couch in front of a television or computer screen it's likely that most households ate
meals together and chances are they actually sat at a
table the point here is to actually sit down and relax while you eat your meal eating
while you're stressed out why your multitasking are running errands can literally cause you to gain more
weight when you're stressed out your body is releasing cortisol and cortisone
inhibits digestion so if you can actually sit down relax enjoy your meal you're not only
were likely to feel full and satisfied afterwards but it's also going to help
you digest that food better and it's going to contribute to you not being such a fat ass grandma was a meal planner and chances are she had
more than just one mouth to feed she was constantly in a state of preparing food in banking and what she was gonna serve everybody and she was probably kinda and ninja
meal planning it became so subconscious that she
really didn't even have to think about it that much the point here is that most of us eat
whatever we drive past or whatever we see we have tons and tons of junk food at are backing call anytime we wanted
but grandma didn't have that she just out of necessity prepared foods and people were a lot
healthier because it so if you're horrified at the thought of
putting meals together just get over yourself and realize it's
just not that big a deal grandmama 8 vegetables gosh darn it but according to the USDA less than 10
percent of the average Americans caloric intake is coming from fruits and vegetables in
our video on the average American diet we explain that 25 percent avi average caloric intake is coming from
added facts so these are things like margarine
processed parlay Chile hydrogenated oils and other foods which literally didn't
even exist when your grandma was your age it's also estimated that up to 17
percent of our color can take is coming from added sugar so americans
are literally eating more sugar then fruits and vegetables combined if
there's one thing that you take from this video its to clean please please please eat
more vegetables many people say that they can't eat
healthy because they just cant afford it but I think that's a big load a bowl in
a future video we're going to do the price comparison
fast foods verses the raw ingredients it would take
to make them yourself I personally don't eat very much meat but it's not because the philosophical
reasons it's because modern factory farming methods makes really unhealthy meet in a future
video I'm gonna talk more about factory farming and what's wrong with the meat we eat if there's something that you'd like to see us make a video about please leave me a comment and let me
know what that is thank you so much for reading today
please be sure to give me a thumbs up if you like this article share it with
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