Diet vs. Exercise for Weight Loss

when trying to lose weight which is most
important diet or exercise this is what i survey found recently the vast majority of those trying to
lose maintain we believe that both monitoring food and beverage consumption
and physical activity or equally important in weight management in weight

loss most people go with equally important
then exercise and then diet and most people are brawl had invited small most common
misconceptions about obesity in this series review the confusion about the leverage of
exercise on body weight unfortunately the energy balance
equation you know uh... calories and have to be equal calories out suggest the engine taken angie
expenditure are key party quibbling roles and determining energy balance
when in fact the factors governing angie intakes
influence angie balanced far more powerfully than factors uh...
determining you know resting energy expenditure what we put our mouths is
most important for example to walk up the calories
found in a single pat of butter it after add an extra seven hundred yards to your
stroll that evening quarter mile jog for each sardine we put
in her mouth and that's just the edible part and those who choose dat to chicken legs
better get out on their own two legs in won an extra three miles that data
outrun we'd get and that's for steamed chicken skin removal

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